Wheatley Hill Parish Council owns and manages the allotment site located at the top of Quilstyle Road, Wheatley Hill.
The site has 27 allotments.
The site is very popular and there is currently a waiting list. To be eligible to rent a plot you must be a resident in the Parish of Wheatley Hill.
Applying for an allotment
You can apply for an allotment by downloading and returning the application form Application Form (Sept 21).
Applicants must be aged 18 years or over and live in Wheatley Hill. Proof of residence and age will be required for all applicants.
Annual Rent
The annual rent for an allotment is £45.00.
How to pay for an allotment
You can pay by cheque, postal order or cash. Cheques should be made payable to Wheatley Hill Parish Council and sent to the Clerk at 12 Western Park, Hawthorn, Seaham, Co Durham SR7 8BF. If you wish to pay in cash this can be handed in person to Mr J Davies, Head Groundsperson who is located in the Cemetery, Wheatley Hill.
Allotment rules
The rules are set out in our tenancy agreements,
Allotment Tenancy Agreement Allotment Tenancy Agreement
Frequently asked questions
What is the criteria to apply for an allotment?
You need to be a permanent resident within Wheatley Hill and be a minimum of 18 years of age.
How long will I have to wait for an allotment?
All applications are considered by the Parish Council. If your application is accepted you will be placed on a waiting list until a plot becomes available. It is impossible to determine a waiting time, as plots usually only become available when an existing tenant gives up their tenancy.
Can I have a Bonfire?
Bonfires are not banned, however, it is essential that they do not cause a nuisance to neighbouring residents. The general guidance points below should be followed if you do intend to have a bonfire on your plot:
- Keep bonfires to a minimum.
- Only have a bonfire if it does not affect neighbours and nearby residents (be aware of wind direction and whether other plot holders on the site have had a fire recently).
- Only burn waste generated on your plot and use a device that will contain the fire, for example, an incinerator bin.
- Always have quick burning fires, using dry materials and allow it to burn out whilst you’re still present on site.
- Do not burn household rubbish, tyres, plastic or foam materials or similar as many of these give off toxic fumes and dense smoke.
- Do not burn rubbish from a business.
- Do not leave a bonfire unattended.
- Do not allow the bonfire to burn overnight.
- Be ready to put the fire out if you receive any complaints.
Privacy Statement
Wheatley Hill Parish Council complies with all relevant statutory obligations related to data protection and will look after your personal information securely. We will not give personal information about you to anyone else or another organisation unless we have to by law.
Personal information processed by the Council will be handled in accordance with the Council’s privacy notice, which can be accessed at Allotment Privacy Notice
If you have any concerns about how your data is handled, please contact the Data Protection Officer at clerk.whpc@btinternet.com or the Information Commissioner’s Office casework@ico.org.uk.
Durham County Council also has allotments for rent. If you are interested in renting an allotment from Durham County Council then please contact the allotments team:
Email: allotments@durham.gov.uk
Telephone: 03000 26 608
Website: Durham County Council Allotments