Wheatley Hill Parish Council has adopted various policies and procedures which set out the Council’s position and explain how certain matters will be dealt with.
Risk Management
The Parish Council faces many challenges and risks in meeting it’s priorities and objectives. To help us achieve this we are committed to high standards in risk management:
Risk Management Policy
Risk Assessment and Management Strategy
Data Protection Policy
The Council is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a data controller as we hold personal information about individuals. This policy explains how we deal with the information we hold:
Public Participation Policy
Equal Opportunities Statement
We aim to ensure that all the services we provide are available to everyone and free from discrimination:
Social Media Policy
Public Filming, Recording and Reporting at Meetings
We acknowledge that legislation allows any member of the public to take photographs, film and audio record the proceedings and report on all public meetings:
Public Filming, Recording & Reporting at Meetings
Health and Safety Statement
Grants and Donations Policy
We receive many requests for grants and donations from a variety of groups and organisations. This policy explains the Parish Council’s criteria for applying for a grant. The application form should be completed and returned to the Clerk to the Council. If you require any assistance in completing the application form please contact the Clerk to the Council who can provide avice and guidance.
Grants and Donations Policy 2020
Document Retention Policy
Complaints Policy
Whilst we try to get things right, on rare occasions we might not achieve this. You may be dissatisfied with something we have, or have not done and this policy explains how we will deal with any complaints in relation to our administration and procedures:
Fraud and Corruption Policy
Respect and Dignity at Work Policy
Respect and Dignity at Work Policy
Child Protection Policy
We recognise our responsibilities to make arrangements for ensuring that we have regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and to preserve their rights while engaged in council activities or using council facilities. This policy explains how we will do this:
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